The beautiful Central Gardens of North Iowa is a result of financial donations, big and small, from many individuals, foundations, organizations and businesses. If you are looking for a way to financially support the Gardens, we offer a variety of options and opportunities to do so.
All donations and gifts are recognized in a variety of ways, including through our newsletter, on our website, and, depending upon the level of the gift, on our donor wall at our main entrance.

Memorials & Honorariums
Monetary donations may be given for memorials of family or friends who have passed on, and honorariums for living friends or family members.
Cash Gifts
Cash gifts may be given for the development and/or the maintenance of the Gardens.
Legacy Gifts
Including Central Gardens in your estate planning will be a gift that lasts forever.
Give to Future
Endowment Fund
Other donations can be given directly to the Endowment Fund of the Gardens or to the Central Gardens of North Iowa Endowment Account with the Community Foundation of Northeast Iowa. This way of giving allows the earnings of the principal gift to be used for the operation of Central Gardens of North Iowa for many years into the future.
Through the Endow Iowa 25% state tax credit, when you give to the Endowment Fund, you are eligible to receive a 25% Iowa state tax credit through Endow Iowa in addition to the normal federal deduction for a charitable gift.
Bricks and Pavers
Central Gardens offers two options to honor, memorialize, and celebrate the special people and meaningful times of our lives. Purchase a brick for $250 or a paver for $1,000 for placement in one of the Gardens many walkways. As a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, donations to Central Gardens are tax-deductible.
Etched bricks are available for $250 and are then placed into appropriate donor-designated areas within the gardens.
Granite Pavers
Similarly, large pavers that can include more information (or even poems and writings) may be purchased for $1,000 and are then placed within the Gardens.

More Information
For information about purchasing a brick or paver, please send us an email or call our offices at 641-357-0700.
In Memory
Honor & Memorial Tribute Opportunities
When a tribute is received, a personalized note is sent to the person being honored or to the family of the individual being memorialized, notifying them of your thoughtful donation but not revealing the amount. Your gift may be tax deductible, as Central Gardens of North Iowa, Inc. is a 501 (c) 3 charitable organization. You will receive an acknowledgement of your donation from us for your records. Supporting Central Gardens through a tribute donation honoring or memorializing a special person in your life enables the greater north Iowa community and beyond to continue to enjoy this wonderful place.
Give to Future
Legacy Gifts
What Legacy Do You Wish to Leave?
Leaving a legacy is an important gift an individual can give to future generations. The decisions about how much of one’s assets to bequest to family and other loved ones versus how much to leave to charitable groups can be a vexing one. However, this doesn’t need to be an “either/or” decision. Loved ones and charitable organizations can both be beneficiaries of a life well-lived with careful planning.
Of course, the type of gift and how to make it depend on the circumstances of each particular donor. Prospective donors should seek the guidance of trusted legal and financial advisors in matters relating to estate planning and charitable giving.
You can leave a legacy to a charitable organization in a number of ways including bequeathing a specific asset (such as real estate), a specific dollar amount, or some or all of the “residue” of your estate in your will.
You can name a charitable organization as a beneficiary of an IRA or “life insurance policy.”
Endowment Fund
We also encourage you to explore the Endow Iowa program, which provides additional tax advantages to your charitable giving. See more information above.
You can designate a specific purpose for your legacy gift to Central Gardens or ask the Board of Directors to determine its best use. Budgetary needs for Central Gardens fall into these categories:
- Grounds enhancements and upkeep
- Operating costs
- Events and Programming
(Most of our 50+ annual events are offered free of charge to maximize access for everyone) - Contributions to the permanent endowment, ensuring that Central Gardens exists in perpetuity
When making a planned gift to the Central Gardens such as a gift in your will, naming a beneficiary designation of a retirement plan or life insurance beneficiary, please contact us so that we can ensure your charitable intention is fulfilled.
More Charitable Estate Planning INfo
For more information on charitable estate planning, we also recommend reading the information available in the “Planned Giving” section of the Community Foundation of Northeast Iowa resources, available at
More Information
For more information about donating to the Central Gardens of North Iowa, contact the Director of Development & Operations.